The Strong Interest Inventory

The Strong Interest Inventory is a widely used and internationally recognised career assessment tool that offers a range of benefits for career decision making:

Comprehensive Assessment

The Strong Interest Inventory assesses your interests across a wide range of occupational themes, activities, and work environments. It is based on robust career theory, it provides a comprehensive understanding of your interests and helps you identify potential career paths that align with those interests.

Personalised Career Profiles

Based on your assessment results, the Strong Interest Inventory generates a highly personalised career profile that matches your interests with specific occupations and fields. You get valuable insights into careers that may be most fulfilling and enjoyable for you.

Exploration of Work and Personal Styles

The assessment also explores your preferred work styles, such as working independently, leading others, or engaging in creative tasks. This can help you identify work environments and job responsibilities that are most compatible with your natural preferences.

Career Development Insights

The Strong Interest Inventory goes beyond just suggesting careers. It provides insights into various aspects of career development, including preferred learning environments, potential challenges, and strategies for personal and professional growth. This insight helps you make informed choices regarding further education, skill development, or career advancement.

Validity and Reliability

The Strong Interest Inventory is a well-established and rigorously tested assessment tool. It has undergone extensive research and development internationally to ensure its validity and reliability. This means that the results obtained from the assessment are trustworthy and can be used with confidence to inform career decisions.

Increased Self-Awareness

Taking the Strong Interest Inventory can enhance your self-awareness by uncovering patterns and themes in your interests and it will help you gain a deeper understanding of what motivates and engages you in the workplace, leading to clarity in career decision making and the ability to focus on what career options can work best for you.

Support for Career Planning

The Strong Interest Inventory provides a great framework for career planning by offering guidance on potential career paths and suggesting strategies for exploring and pursuing those paths. It is a valuable tool in developing a career action plan and setting goals.


Overall, the Strong Interest Inventory helps people make more informed and confident career decisions, leading to greater job satisfaction, happiness and success. We recommend that you seek the support of a certified Strong Interest Inventory practitioner who is qualified to help you get the most from this assessment.

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Navigating Redundancy

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