Career Smart Assessment Tool

The Career Smart assessment tool and coaching programme, specifically designed by CareerEQ in New Zealand for young adults starting out, offers several benefits. The assessment and coaching programme is delivered by Licensed Career Smart practitioners.

Tailored to Students and Young Adults

Career Smart is specifically designed to cater to the unique needs and aspirations of young adults who might still be at high school or who are engaged in post-school tertiary learning. It takes into account the unique challenges, opportunities, and trends relevant to this stage of life.

Holistic Assessment

The Career Smart tool takes a holistic approach to career assessment, considering multiple dimensions that contribute to career decision making. It assesses factors such as interests, values, skills, personality traits, and work preferences. This comprehensive evaluation provides a well-rounded understanding of the individual, enabling more informed career choices.

Identifying Strengths and Passions

Career Smart helps individuals identify their strengths and passions by uncovering their natural abilities, talents, and areas of genuine interest. This self-awareness is crucial for aligning career choices with personal strengths, increasing the likelihood of finding fulfilling and rewarding career paths.

Exploring Career Options

The assessment tool provides insights into various career options that match the individual’s unique profile. It offers a range of potential career paths, helping individuals explore and consider options they may not have previously considered. This expands their horizons and encourages them to consider a broader range of possibilities.

Personalised Guidance

Career Smart generates personalised reports and recommendations based on the individual’s assessment results. These reports provide valuable guidance and insights specific to the individual’s strengths, interests, and aspirations and certified Career Smart coaches will guide you through understanding your report to help you make more targeted and well-informed decisions about possible career pathways.

Decision-Making Support

The Career Smart process is personalised and through this process licensed practitioners provide comprehensive resources to support decision making. Tailored information is provided on educational pathways, job market trends, and potential career development opportunities and clients are equipped with the necessary information to make informed choices that align with their aspirations and future goals.

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Overall, the Career Smart assessment tool offers the benefits of tailored assessment, holistic evaluation, personalised guidance, and decision-making support. The assessment along with the personalised coaching sets young people up for success and empowers them to make well informed choices and navigate their career journeys with confidence.